Videogames: Believable, Authentic, Action, Excited, Compelling, Varied



Kai Skrotzki Videogames Voice Demo - Believable, Authentic, Action, Excited, Compelling, Varied, Lone Ranger, Alien, Creature, Storytelling, Western, Pleading, Protective, Inquisitive, Confrontational, Heroic, Mad Scientist

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US New York, New Jersey, Bronx, Brooklyn) North American (US Western)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
these people count on me because they can't count on anything else. And you come barging in here demanding I trust you. You got some balls on you. I'll give you that. This is Alex Baumann log. I don't know. I've completed the scan of the planet months ago, collected all the samples requested. Still no word from command and retrieval. I don't know how much longer I can last out here. You don't let the finger to give them any kind of salvation, do you? You don't do anything until it becomes expedient for good old dr Richard Davidson. Not until there's a ******* gun at your head, is there? Thank you. You've butchered. And our family. People finish it. Show me used to know what mercy is coming. Man! Open the door. Hey, hey, I need you to take your brother and keep an eye on him. Okay? It's gonna be all right. You can't just leave them out here. We had a deal. Open the door. Our records show no mention of this species. That places the cyclist conquest of earth approximately 300 years earlier than originally dated. Why would they lie about something like that? You're too late. I got the blood of a guard running through me now. And what do you got? Uh, some Wikus Simon had a charity case. I bled for this. I have given you this power to show you what is to come. It falls to you Now you and the rest of your friends to avert the coming storm. I'm going to be frank with you, my boy. I don't dabble in magic. It's too finicky. It won't be easy. But as I always say, it's not necromancy if it's science, mm hmm.