Business Travel fast, relaiable and convenient

Profile photo for Kojo Eggay
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Busoness travel like no other, Fly through the skies avoiding the daily bustle of traffic jams, commuting to work the conventional boring way. Hire a private Helicopter with your own pilotto get you to work on time in style refeshed each trip!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


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Business travel at the speed of your fax machine. Is that even possible zip around the country in your own helicopter, complete with a licensed pilot and ordered to keep your top of your game. Get from point A to B in minutes, visit our website to find out more about how you can beat the traffic on land or in the air. I need to book that flight right now. Give us a call on 5556432555648 to show up in style and on time, start flying to your meetings today.