Character Demo

Profile photo for Kurt Warren
Not Yet Rated


This demo goes through a variety of character voices all seemlessly included in one audio file. The demo demonstrates my ability to jump between very different voices and personalities and truly bring them to life!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Italian (American) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
looks like things have heated up. Y'all were thinking about shipping out. There's been a change of plans. So way meet again for the last time. Any final requests? Little cease with this foolishness, Mr Province, and commenced the rooting out the so called informed? No. All I can say is things are getting really get routing the others meeting behind the gym after class. I gotta go See you there. I didn't mean to hurt you. They told me I had to make a choice. And I guess I just kind of blew it. Huh? Don't you ever need anything at all? Don't has a date to come, Men. We're family way. It's what we don't know. You made me your full for the last time. No, it's my turn to step aside, Parker. Look, if you guys want to dance around like ballerinas all night, that's your business. I came for the free cat. Well, I imagine you boys are hungry, huh? Stay right here. Game. I get you a little something. Barkley was a bottom dwelling beagle with behavior problems. The mere mention of his name's and fear through the hearts of animals Every