Informational Internet Explainer Narrative

Video Narration


E Learning, Explainer Videos, Narration.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland) North American (US Western)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
before a job interview. You'll want prepare answers to a few basic questions. Number one. Why are you looking for a job? Are you unhappy in your current position? If so, why did you recently leave your job? What were the circumstances? Having clear, confident answers to these questions will help set a positive tone for the interview. George Washington understood the enormity of his position as the first president of the United States. It was his responsibility to establish the precedent which all future presidents would follow. So he requested the title of Mr President, rejecting royal monikers like Your Highness or Your Excellence. And perhaps most importantly, he did not seek reelection after two terms imposing an unofficial limit on the office. The New York Public Library is the largest marble structure ever built in the United States. And while the outside is breath take, the inside is perhaps more astonishing. With seven floors of shelves holding over a 1,000,000 books, an enormous reading room and a complex delivery system that rivals anything in the world. You could spend an entire day gazing at Vancouver's natural Beauty from the snow dusted mountains that surround the city to the sandy beaches that look out on the sparkling bay. This region has everything you love about the Pacific Northwest, but it's the culture and vibrancy of this town that makes it an international destination.