Animation Demo

Profile photo for Lindsay Kezlarian
Not Yet Rated


Professionally recorded demo that highlights my range in character work throughout the different character voices.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Child (5-12)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I just spent all of my chore money on that new flipper man action figure. Just to find out that they're re releasing the original with the kung fu grip. I'm afraid you've forgotten one small detail doctor in order to get out of here. You'll have to deal with me. Oh, I like you mary Margaret, but you need to get your facts straight. Mayor Mcx possum was simply playing dead. He's a possum. That's what they do. There's no time to argue because Lawrence has already boarded the ship. Just follow my lead and keep your head down. You you are not seriously considering wearing that dress to Ashley's party, are you? Aren't you guys ready yet? It's six a.m. We should be opening presents already. Are you kidding me? This is the lamest dojo ever. Do you guys even break boards or is it all ballet kicks? Oh wow, Look at that. You must work out, huh? Because the muscles and the Hey, you know what? I think we're good here. See ya, can you help me count how many chickens are in the coop? 123. That's right. There are three chickens in the coop. No, no, no. The stuns on these flanges letters are all crooked. I was working in sector seven last night charlie