Kid_Commercial Demo

Radio Ad


Specialize in kids! Bubbly, Youthful, Fun, Happy, Playful voice!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
So wait. Tropical push pops liquid when you want and save the rest for later tropical push pops Have a taste, allowing pop Just get up. Wow, with build a bear, I can take my bears, but in his heart make him nice and fat and puffy with lots and lots of stuffing. Mix Bill The Bear Being a kid means living with labels, labels other people give you the labels you put on yourself. If you're feeling overwhelmed by problems at school or at home costume on homeless girls and boys town, change your label. Change your life. Guess what? Every time you shop it, target you give the school's east. Time is just a little bit every little bit adds up to something really big. You helped raise a $1,000,000,000 for students like me. So thanks the 1,000,000 moms. Real choosy about peanut butter. That's why she by stiff naturals, because it's made with all natural ingredients. That's cool. I just think it tastes good Chicken dance and you can sing along with the headset now. Um, Barbara, you're ready to hit the stage comes with two songs to look worse with your music player from Attack