Narration Demo

Profile photo for Linde LaChance
Not Yet Rated


This Demo showcases my skills in Narration, e-learning, and storybook telling.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
let's explore the planets in our solar system and neighboring universes will travel into the future. When astronauts live throughout the solar system in each world, we'll see what the weather is like, what we would wear and what we do to have fun. Grab your oxygen, put on your seatbelt and let's blast off. Today we're going to learn about the piano. The piano has white keys and black keys. Let's begin with the white keys. The white keys follow a pattern like the alphabet up to the letter G. It starts with the low notes to the left and goes all the way up to the high notes on the right. Let's try this together. Ah, young Elefant takes its first wobbly steps after birth in the Heartland of Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in all of Africa. This baby elephants will enjoy all that the region has to offer. She will grow up amidst several diverse ecosystems that connect the circle of life and Kilimanjaro. Today we will learn the best way to tie our ice capes. First, slip your feet into the skates, making sure your heels fit all the way into the back of the boot. starting at the toe of the skate, grabbed the crisscrosses or exes and pull tightly. Be sure to keep the pressure or your laces will slip. Remember the tighter the lace, the stronger the skate. Amelia Earhart When the hearts of millions as she became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean, the highlight of her career was attempting to be the first woman to circumnavigate the world. In 1937 she began her fretful flight on Lee to disappear somewhere over the Pacific Ocean.