Animated Whiteboard - Tempo - Conversational - Real - Friendly

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Animated Whiteboard - Tempo - Conversational - Real - Friendly

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
wandering through the Atlassian marketplace can be like searching through a jungle to find a treasure chest. There's so much to see, it can get overwhelming when browsing the marketplace. First, you'll need a clear definition of the problem you want to solve. Let's say you're following agile portfolio management principles to align your business strategy and execution, you'll need to apply those principles to strategy and investment funding, portfolio management and governance. You may need help doing this with the era, that's why the marketplace exists. It's where you can search for apps to extend vera. In our example, let's look at extending Gira for lean portfolio management with tempo. Let's start in the marketplace like any good treasure trove. The Alaskan marketplace is chock full of riches, making it hard to know where to start exploring. But if you're clear on your needs, it's pretty straightforward and easy to navigate. Simply enter a keyword into the search bar and use the categories and filters to narrow your search. Let's say you're managing multiple big projects with the era. It could be a new website or a new feature in your product. In any case, it is important to know where you're going, what's being prioritized and how to resource accordingly. Road mapping is a key first step. It's the best communication tool for all departments to gain high level visibility and alignment on projects. So let's look for a road mapping tool on the marketplace here, we'll find road Monk one of tempos, products, road Monk keeps internal and external stakeholders, happy and confident by aligning the whole company behind the same vision and strategy with boardroom ready road maps. You can connect your high level strategy with day to day planning by sinking your data between road Monk and Ghira, Azure devops and more. In order to staff the project appropriately. You'll need to understand your workforce. Is capacity searching capacity on the marketplace brings you to tempo planner, tempo planner can identify qualified available resources, assign them to tasks and ensure workloads are balanced. Now that you have a road map of where you're going and the right people on board. How about getting an overview of project status? Well you guessed it, There's an app for that structure, organizes all the information you need to manage your projects and programs even your entire portfolio in one spreadsheet like overview. It's the simplest, most flexible way to view group and manage issues in the hierarchy. You need to get a meaningful and accurate view of your projects for reporting, aligning the whole team and getting actionable insights to make the right decisions coupled with powerful spreadsheet functionality. Now you feel like you have it all together thanks to your marketplace apps but your boss wants to know exactly how much the whole project costs. How can we track that effort, tempo time sheets offers multiple ways to track the time spent on each project and its reporting capabilities. Let you see time spent on a project tasks or epic and with cost tracker for tempo time sheets. You can use time tracking data to get true project costs and monitor the financial health of projects at any level there. Now, your project should be on track, you should have the overview you need and your boss is off your back about the status and cost of the project. Now, if that's not the treasure you're looking for, I don't know what is we hope you found this useful, not only to find your Atlassian marketplace treasure, but also to see how tempo products can help your team build better together, unlock the joy of building cheers.