Demo and training through Edge Studio in NYC

Profile photo for Mason Beyermann
Not Yet Rated


Demo is written by me and produced by Edge Studio

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Armenian British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
blast. This war machine will never work. I swear, my love, I will find a way to bring you back. Those fools will learn to fear. Mr. Mystery marco. What the **** are you doing here? You're trying to take my boys Put them out on the street. These are good kids. You better be ready because I'm gonna tear you apart. Listen up boys, this is the Tommy gun and it's our ticket back to the top because I'm sick of being beat. Now grab one, Get out there and cause some mayhem. Oh look he's trying pathetic. Whoa! What's wrong with you man? It was just a goof. We didn't mean it. You know? What are you Ben, prepare for battle. Wait, no, no my mistake. Just a wee rabbit. That's been a fun night since I've killed anything that walks on two legs. I would never go to this concert with anyone except for you. Wait, you're grounded dude! That socks! Do you think your sister would go with me and Hurricane Hitler has claimed thousands of lives. Nasa has confirmed that a meteor the size of a meteor. Well, that's just perfect. Maybe it'll blow us all to **** and get it over with back to you rob return from whence you came adventurer. None shall. Is that filled with gold? There's a door around back here. Remember? You didn't see me. No matter where you run, you cannot escape me. There can only be one explanation. We're the same person. Oh, never mind. Split personalities are so tiring