Tech, sports, entertainment in both English and Japanese

Video Narration


Various multinational companies enlisted my help for burnishing their public image.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the morning sun rises for all. Yet for all its bare if not the same blessing for me this morning is the most blessed morn indeed. Wherefore for I and become the dragon lord. Our tires create safety for people in society which leads to more well being, enjoy our sporting goods and facilities create people's well being and a thrilling moment. They'll enjoy our precision medical rubber parts, create more hope for all our vibration control dampers create peace of mind by protecting our loved ones. 1 2 Quick Pay. Send in Cash Back. They were just talking about a conversation they had with them and they were complaining about the job. So I said oh well you won't have to worry about that much longer. They're going to be gone next week. Oh no I slipped. Oh please don't tell anybody I told you that. Okay I let the cat out of the bag. I can put it like this. Um For those of you that have any anime fans out there. I compare it to walking around like and fist of North Star um to find other uh left er like leftist people that are actually leftist. Uh and also are like uh M. M. A. Fans and practitioners. So it's uh