Video Game Characters

Profile photo for Max Lindsey
Acheivement Badges Rising Star


This demo shows an array of different vocal tones including Western, space sci-fi, soldier, cocky protagonist, and fun arms dealer.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US Western) Russian


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I find all this slaughtering of innocence to be rather distasteful. Look at my cloak full of blood and oh my goodness. What is that? That won't come out easy. Now we'll get them on their port side. You know, one of the comments with chain shot a captain. I want this prize and tacked. He stole my sandwich man. So I had to decapitate him. You don't take someone's sandwich. It's wrong. Very wrong. Everything we had is gone. I'm sure if we could find gas for the truck. Oh, they're coming. Get down. Oh, crap. Oh, there you are. As you're onboard A I, I must inform you that my current calculations reveal lack of power. At year 17 of our journey, it takes a full platoon just to bring down one of those 12 legged pieces of ****. My tour is up, dude, I'm out of here. No more monsters. Just white sand and oh those umbrella drinks. Your death will not be without honor. Grab your weapon and offend your life though short, it may be.