Commercial Demo

Television Ad


This is my commercial demo. It includes several spots that are relevant for tv, radio and online commercials.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
what makes Tostitos avocado salsa so special. Maybe it's the real avocado and jalapenos in every bite. Tostitos avocado salsa. Get to the good stuff here in California. We go surfing and skiing in the same day. Boom. We have the moon and the stars in California. We welcome everyone with open arms, summers for the board members, beach ballers, even the sun tanners. Spirit Airlines is here to make your summer even better. Less money more go. You booked a cozy. Airbnb Mountain cabin, invited your friends brought a football and some flags go. You. The time for getting back together is now Airbnb. Life can be messy but with Crayola color wonder it doesn't have to be because the fund stays on the page. Don't you wish life could be this mess free. All magic, no mess Crayola, there's an America we build and one we explore, one that drives us to the limit and one that allows you to take any road life puts in front of you jeep. Grand Cherokee.