Character Reel - English

Profile photo for Maxadrian Burton
Not Yet Rated


This is a professionally composed demo reel done by Maxadrian Burton, meant to highlight some of the strengths in roles which he excels.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
and for you. A Touchstone margherita pretty drink to match the lovely lady smile. Oh, no need to pay for it. It just look like you needed one silly boy. A magician's job isn't merely to entertain, but to deceive. And if it's deception that the audience wants been a web of lies and trickery, they will get. Okay. Maybe we started off on the wrong foot. We were paid to steal the king's crown by a bunch of jumps. Okay? No, he was an Elvis on Maple Street. I swear. Please just please leave me alone. So you're telling me to choose between putting on a latex body suit to go save some poor sap's from a burning building or I should stay here and finish my drink. Is that even a question? Mhm. Fine. Give me 10 minutes, man. I know you said streaming this abandoned Corey would break us some views, but you should have at least warned me about the spiders, aren't you? The least bit curious of what it's like beyond the village borders. When I become an adult, I'm going to go on an adventure and explore the world and if it's okay, I love to experience it all with you