Character Demo



Character demo of professional female voice actor Melissa White Script: Brent Mukai
Direction: Brent Mukai and Melissa Moats
Post-Production: David Mark Miller, Melissa Moats, and The Voice Actors Studio

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Oh kira. I just don't know what to do. I really like Aiden but it's like he doesn't know I exist if only there were some way to make him notice me. Well we could use a magic incantation from this book of spells I swiped from the library. No, I forbid it. My father tempered with such magics long ago and paid with his life. We mustn't tempt the fates. Yeah and I don't think we should mess around with that. I've got a bad feeling about this. Especially with my little brother here who invited the nerds. It's just a stupid book. See it's not even in english bokhari tina, brazoban, avocado dah monium sounds dumb to me. Um Big brother. What's that noise? That's scary. You have made a grave error After a millennia of waiting, I will finally have my revenge on those who sealed me in the book freeze. This is paranormal police hands in the air. Hey robot got any info on this one? My scanners indicate that her weakness is the song of ceiling playing on itunes. Now I feel my heart reeling. What is this feeling commonly broom? The song of sing feeling. No, I'm really not. So can we circle back to the topic of Aden or has the moment passed