Michael Harris Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Michael Harris
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


A variety of voiceovers for Commercials including Everyman, Nurturing Father, and Sarcastic Buddy, amongst others.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
There was a time laying on your couch all day watching SportsCenter eating Doritos off your belly. Made you Captain Lazy Man That time has passed Mr Doing your Part. Guy. Stay home. He Doritos. Uh, yeah, You missed one. It is a scary time. It's all new. So many challenges ahead. So many mistakes to be made on with help from Pampers will get through everyone together Daddy's Gotcha. Some days or five finger death punch some days or Streisand tell Spotify all about it They don't judge music For every mood on Spotify We're not your social conscience way Don't have an enlightened approach Your keys to a better tomorrow way Have jeans and pants Diamond gusset at Duluth Trading Company You're welcome. You're $6 coffee. Your new $1000 phone a $25 otter box life proof phone case. Not on your new $1000 phone is it slides off the table swimming in your $6 coffee. That's a whole lot of suck. Maybe a $25 otter box life proof phone case for your new new $1000 phone. Uh huh. Eight from Audi Power with a touch of class