Conversational, Real person, Authentic, Believable, Charming, Friendly

Online Ad


Online ads for product, Sports announcement, Business ad, T.V. trailer, Tourism ad, Game trailer, Radio streaming ad. All very conversational, laid back, real person, believable.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
we've been working on this for the better part of two years, Four new Devlin's. No, they're actually not new. We just took our four most popular flavors and made them regenerative. You don't know what that means, do you? Okay, so first off regenerative is this incredible approach to farming that aims to give back to the earth instead of taking from it? This is your space, the space to connect to, think to belong, to build something new. A new idea, a new way of working with new tools, new friends, new possibilities. What does it mean to collaborate? That's easy. We share something together. Could be a piece of information, something that makes us all better. Something that makes us all grow. We're doing it right now actually. But what if, what we're sharing is confidential. This is Mackenzie Woodcock. Mac was just chased out of town by the father of the girl he's in love with because well there's something questionable about their love. The question is, could she be a long lost cousin? Too good to be true november and you're still dancing every eye on you. Everyone on their feet. You look so good, loose and lively dress, so fine. You got them going there are those who say savannah Georgia is a bucket list city, which makes sense. Provided you like your buckets filled with sites that will take your breath away. World class restaurants that used to be bus stations. The occasional side trip to the atlantic ocean and long walks with the ones you love first you walk in and then before you know it, you're upside down with dragon fire in your face and you just went a little too fast and a little too furious on the party bus with mr toretto and whoa, that dinosaur is too close interested in global hiring. Well, here's one piece of advice. Don't google it, you'll wind up finding solutions that take weeks to complete the process and involve way more work and coordination than you expected R. I. P to. However, you used to listen to radio on em, you can explore hundreds of live shows hosted by names you're probably familiar with and that whole live thing. Yeah, that means we skip the filters.