Jermaine Wells / Business / Conversational Energetic

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Video Narration


Introducing This Is Our Time: The Campaign for the University at Albany. Because the world needs (Website hidden) campaign is to fundraise and recruit.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
at the University at Albany. We know greatness. It's in the air here. It beats in the heart of the place in the hearts of the people. And since 18 44 we've kept a promise to provide opportunities to the promising. Together we've made it possible for so many to dream so big. That's because we believe everyone deserves a chance to realize their greatness. We are the home for the bright, the ambitious, the aspiring. We're an engine of opportunity for hard working students who take nothing for granted. Who know what it means to dig deep, reach high and rise up. Here we help the dreamers, the believers and the doers push through boundaries, blaze their own paths and forge their futures to see the promise of a bright tomorrows. Our students are driven by a fire inside and a gritty determination to do the things that matter to make a difference. They don't shy away from the challenges. They persist. They persevere. They turned their passions into purpose. They seize upon every chance to be better to shine, and they make no apologies and chasing down their dreams. The world needs greatness, and these are the people, the great Danes, who will answer the call and we'll be right here with them for them because for more than 170 years, it's been a promise kept and one that will keep for many years to come because they are our mission. Now is our moment, and this is our time.