Examples of reading samples from 5 books

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My demo shows reading in 5 styles:
a) Lostthink: self-help theme with light humourous tone (Scott Adams)
b) Maps of Meaning: complex technical psychological terminology and concepts (Jordan Peterson)
c) Three Men in a Boat: whimsical style used to read naive comedy based on 1800's youth (Jerome K Jerome)
d) The Brothers Karamazov: Philosophical \"heavy\" fiction with complex names (Dostoevsky)
e) Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy: Entertaining humour with various inflexions to represent the different characters and their thoughts (Douglas Adams)

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello. My name is Michael, and I specialise in reading audiobooks and complicated technical documents. I'm not afraid of big words like Super Super Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. I also have a small sense of humour. I'm going to read for examples of my work to you. There are exits from randomly chosen pages of randomly chosen books. Scott Adams was loser. Think Jordan Peterson's maps of meaning, Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment, Jerome K. Jerome's Three Men in the Boat, to Say Nothing Off the Dog. And finally, the classic work, arguably on analysis of the experience of a depression. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy welcomes Razor Occam's razor is the idea that the simplest explanation of events is usually the right one. The problem with that line of thinking is that it is complete nonsense, and people who have training in the field of psychology can see the problem right away in a scientific setting. The simplest explanation that fits the facts is generally preferred. But in the messier none scientific world, we all think I explanations of the world are the simplest ones. Creationist. God created everything simple scientist Evolution created everything simple welcomes razor as it is typically used in debate is an example of backward thinking. We think we come to our opinions by looking at the various competing explanations and picking the simplest one that fits the data. Sometimes I suppose that is exactly what happens, especially in uncomplicated situations. But for any complicated or big question, it is just a cz likely, if not more, that we arrive at our opinions by some combination of irrational influences on, then defend our position by declaring it to be the simplest explanation. The primordial theory. Amorphous serpent God is endless potential is, whatever being is prior to the emergence of the capacity for experience, this potential has been represented as the self devouring dragon, most commonly because this image portrayed in Figure 29 Tora Bora's, the pre Cosma genic dragon of Carol's, aptly symbolises the union of in commensurate opposites the Arab or ***** simultaneously representative ofthe two antithetical primordial elements as a snake that Tora Bora's is a creature of the ground ofthe matter. As a bird, a winged animal, it is a creature of the air, the sky spirit, the aura. Bora symbolises the union off known associated with spirit and unknown associated with matter explored and un explored symbolises the juxtaposition of the masculine principles of security, tyranny and order with the feminine principles of darkness, dissolution, creativity and chaos. Of all experiences in Connexion with towing, the most exciting is being towed by girls. It is a sensation that nobody optimists to hold the rope, and the other one turns around and round and giggles. They're generally begin by getting themselves tied up. They get the line round their legs and have to sit down on the path and undo each other. And then they twisted around their necks and are nearly strangled. They fix it straight, however, at last in start offer to run, pulling the boat along a quite a dangerous place at the end of 100 yards there, naturally breathless and suddenly stop and also done on the grass and laugh, and your boat drifts after midstream and turns round before you know what has happened or can get hold of a skull. Then they stand up and are surprised. They pull on pretty steadily for a bit after this, and then it all at once occurs to one of them that she will put up a frog and they ease up for the purpose and the boat runs aground. You jump up and push it off and you shout them not to stop. Yes, What's the matter? They shot back. Don't stop. You're all don't want. Don't stop. Go on, Go on, Go back, Emily, and see what it is they want, says one. And Emily comes back and asks what it is. What do you want? She says anything happened? Alexei Fedorovich Karamazov was the third son of a landowner from my district, Feodor Pavlovich Karamazov, well known in his own day and still remembered among us because it was dark and tragic death which happened exactly 13 years ago and which I shall speak of in its proper place. For the moment, I will only say of this land owners we used to call him, although for all his life he hardly ever lived in the state that he was a strange type, yet one rather frequently met with precisely the type of man who is not only worthless and depraved, but model headed as well. One of those muddle headed people who still handle their own little business deals quite skillfully. If nothing else, Purell Pavlovich, for instance, started with next to nothing. He was a very small landowner. He ran around having dinner at other men's tables, who tries to foist himself off as a sponger. And yet, at his death, he was discovered to have as much as 100,000 rubles in hard cash. At the same time, he remained all his life, one of the most muddle headed, madcap snot district. Again, I say it was not stupidity. Most of these mad caps, or rather clever and shrewd but precisely muddle headedness, even a special national form of it. He was married twice and had three sons, the eldest, Dmitry Fiat of Rich by his first wife and the other to Ivan and Aleck Side by his second. If, on this particular day afternoon stretch of evening time, call it what you will. You had approached the second Pavement cafe on the right. You would have seen the usual crowd of AM buttons chatting, drinking, looking very relaxed and casually glancing at each other's watches to see how expensive they were. He would also have seen a couple of rather dishevelled looking Hitchhikers from Algal, who had recently arrived in an architecture Ian Mega freighters aboard which they had been roughing it for a few days. They were angry in the world to discover that here, within sight of the Hitchhiker's Guide building itself, a simple glass of fruit juice cost the equivalent of over 60 all Terry in dollars sell out. One of them said bitterly, If at that moment you had then looked at the next table but one, you would have seen their fort people Brock sitting and looking very startled and confused. The reason for his confusion was that five seconds earlier, he had been sitting on the bridge of the Starship Heart of gold. Absolute setup suffered, looked nervously after the corners of his eyes at the two dishevelled Hitchhikers at the next table. Where the **** was he? How had he got there? Where was the ship? His hand felt, the arm of the chair in which he was sitting on the table in front of him. They seem solid enough. He sat very still. How can they sit and write? A guide for Hitchcock is in a place like this. Continue the voice. I mean, look at it. Look at it. Suffered was looking at it. Nice place, he thought. But where and why? Her fished in his pocket for his two pairs of sunglasses in the same pocket, he felt a hard, smooth and identified lump of very heavy metal. He pulled it out and looked at it. He blinked out in surprise. Where have you got that? He returned it to his pocket and put on the sunglasses, annoyed to discover that the metal object had scratched one of the lenses. Nevertheless, he felt much more comfortable with them. On there were a double pair of Jiujiang to 200 super chromatic peril sensitive sunglasses, which had been specially designed to help people develop a relaxed attitude to danger. At the first hint of trouble, they turned totally black and thus prevent you from seeing anything that might alarm you apart from a scratch. The lenses were clear. He relaxed, but only a little bit. The angry hitchhiker continued to cloud his monstrously expensive fridges. Worst thing that ever happened to the guide, living to us a minute, Beata, he grumbled. They've all gone soft, you know. I've even heard that they have created a herd electronically synthesised universe and one of the officers that they can go and research storeys during the day and still go to parties in the evening. Not the day and evening mean much in this place. Ursa Minor, Beata Thoughts, Effort At least you knew where he was. No, he assumed that this must be his great grandfather's doing. But why? Much to his annoyance, a thought popped into his mind. It was very clear and very distinct. And he had now come to recognise these thoughts for what they were. His instinct was to resist them. There were the preordained prompting from the dark and locked off parts of his mind, he said. Still that ignored the thought furiously. It nagged him. He ignored it. It nagged him. He ignored it. It nagged him. He gave in. What the **** he thought go with the flow. He was too tired, confused and hungry to resist. You didn't even know what the thought meant. Hello. Yes, the Metadata Publications, home of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. The most totally remarkable book in the whole of the known universe. Can I help you? Said the large pink winged insect into one of the 70 phones lined up along the vast chrome expanse of the reception desk in the foyer of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy's officers. It flooded, its wings, enrolled. Its eyes glared at all the grubby people, capturing the foil, soiling the carpets and leaving dirty hand marks on the upholstery it adored working for The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I just wish there was some way of keeping all Hitchcock is away, what they meant to be hanging around dirty spaceports or something. It was certain that it had read something somewhere in the book about the importance of hanging around dirty spaceport. Unfortunately, most of them seem to come and hang around in this nice, clean, shiny foyer immediately after hanging around in extremely dirty spaceports, and all they ever did was complain. It shifted its wings. I hope my vocal and reading ability appeals to you. My contact details are in the next slide, and at the end of the video does is cool