Gameplay Tutorial Sample - (Beginner's Guide, Game Tips) 3on3 Freestyle as Helena



3on3 Freestyle's Beginner's Guide Tutorial as Helena - Gaming, Game Character, Athletic, Instructional, Relatable, Informative, Conversational, Knowledgeable, Cool, Mentor, Sports, Basketball, Youthful, Tomboy, Gen Y, Gen Z, Girl Baller, Tips & Tricks.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi, it's me, Helena. Did you watch all the previous guides I've made? Listen up, because today's lesson is extra importance. Today we're gonna talk about that little green bar right next to the green circles. That bar is the Stamina Bar. Did you know that having low stamina could really affect your game play? You can't even use the R one button to screen when you're Sabas. Lo Dash is out of the question, too. Since you can't run, it makes it way easier for the opponent to get past your defense or run away from the opponent. That sucks, doesn't it? Yea, the other team used their time out first During time out. You can change to a different character, since it's difficult to play with the character with low stamina. Let's change to Cindy. Now that we've got full stamina, let's show them what we've got. This ends my beginner's guide to three on three. That wasn't too hard, was it? Guides would be enough to help me make some awesome place, master those skills and become the best faller in three on three. Then I'll see you at court