Michael James Lorin - Corporate Branding, Articulate, Professional

Video Narration


Michael James Lorin - Realdolmen Animated Explainer Video - Articulate, Friendly, Conversational, Professional

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Since august Real Doman is a proud member of the family, an international I. C. T. Player present in 20 countries. Yet proximity is an important driver for a fee. That's why G. F. I. Belgium and Real Doman joined forces with one new dynamic identity combining green and orange symbolizing our exciting journey together as a customer. You can expect the same high level of service as before. International reach new near shore capabilities and an even more complete portfolio in both offerings and technology allow us to further excel as your I. C. T. Partner supporting all your digital transformation needs and platforms end to end for our people. We want to remain a great place to work. We share a line values and are driven by the same ambition to move forward together with mutual respect. That's why we are proud of our bright new brand for the Belgian market. Mhm.