Commercial Demo - Engaging - Conversational - Funny - Charismatic

Online Ad


Male commercial voiceover demo.

Commercial Demo - Engaging - Conversational - Funny - Charismatic

Includes spots for restaurants, children's programming, food, and banking.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
When you think of Atlanta bread company, think of fresh baked pastries, hot breakfast sandwiches and specialty coffees. Atlanta Bread Company more than just bread. What's as big as an elephant stinks like a skunk and can see in the dark? Find out next on Discovery Kids. Take Marie, she's a character, she does ballet professionally. Alfred Pete. He brought us craft roasted coffee. Us as in America we're Pete's coffee. Hey, it's me, the Ben and Jerry's freezer fairy. Do something good out there in the world and bang. I stick a pint or two of Ben and Jerry's in your freezer when no one is looking. Now do something bad and boom. No Ben and Jerry's plus I stick something really weird in your freezer like frozen clams. P. S. E. C. U. Was forged by 22 ordinary people determined to build a different kind of bank. Their legacy lives on with the founders card, earn 1.5% cash rewards on eligible purchases.