Demo 2

Profile photo for Alfredo Roberts
Not Yet Rated
Movie Trailers

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
it's time to get into McDonald's. New chicken wraps loaded with tender, juicy chicken and fresh veggies, all wrapped in three mouthwatering flavours. Now, how's that for lunch? MacDonald. It's all about the music. Hot 92.3 Smooth sound of our being right now from Target. Use your noodle to get dinner done fast. Select Annie's macaroni and cheese and Can. Pastas are five for $5. That's a buck apiece. Hence smiles all around. Groceries fresh from target prices good through August 25. Have you ever wondered why Coke from McDonald's seems to taste better? Maybe because of dollars? Sounds like the perfect price and the perfect price sounds better when it's any signs. There's more happiness to love when you can enjoy any size Coca Cola, soft drink or sweet tea. $4 Tweet with the hashtag any size, coat and share. Why, you think McDonald's Coke seems to taste better