Companions on the Way: A Little Book of Heart-Full Practices



Three Chapters of self-improvement book.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland) North American (US Western)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
facing the day. This is not a practice for gearing up and summoning our courage to face the day and hours ahead. This is a practice whose purpose is to soften ISS to bring some kindness towards in solidarity with our vulnerability and humanity. Self kindness is the key that unlocks many adore. It's a good way to begin each day. Rub your hands together to make them warm. Slowly bring your hands towards your face and cup your jaw. Sensing how close, how firm or how delicate you need to be to join you with you, be gentle. This is an act of self cherish. E feel. The eyes soften, feel the jaw, soften So much of our human determination and aggression is in our jobs. Let go of all that just for now and feel the warmth spread through the chin, jaw and face. Be gentle, since that we actually can and will be this aware of and gentle with our own being throughout the day. We can do this at other times in the morning. Of course we can be tender. We can be present. We can smile on the miracle of our sheer existence, taking a breath. We do it all the time and think nothing of it. Breath after breath, being at the bedside of someone who is dying, we sent starkly that every one of us has just so many countable breath. No wonder breathing is the focus of many spiritual traditions. Spirit is closer to us than our breath, inhaling and exhaling as a rhythm of feeling and emptying nature breeze through its seasons. Now it is spring now. It is not spring but summer, the ocean breeze in swelling tides and ebbing ties. If we could become conscious enough and still enough, might we not here life itself breathing, taking a deep, sweet time to really empty our lungs and then waiting like a shore for the next wave of breath to Phyllis with are doing it. We would, in time discover a deep secret. Breathing without effort is allowing a natural process in it. We can discover that we are being breathed and that we and all of life, are breath taking, filling your plate at any mail. As we fill our plates with food that will nourish us. We can remember how many hands besides our own were instrumental in bringing the food to us. At this moment. There's a farmer who raised the vegetables, the grains and who fed the chickens. There's the shipper who brought the food to the grocery store. There's the store staff that keeps our local grocery shelves supplied. There's theological gas service. It allows us to cook our lunch or breakfast. There are the utensil and plate manufacturers, etcetera, etcetera. So many, many hands air making our meal possible. Before we begin to eat, we can make sure we realized this. It will nourishes us now we can take a deep breath after we inhale. And as we exhale, we can say a long extended. This sound will open us almost a the end of that breath. We can say Mm as if we tasted something really good. The reverberation will center us. Doing this several times will slow us down and make us appreciate that we have food at our table.