English, Movie Trailers, Comedy, Drama

Profile photo for Nicholas Darrow
Not Yet Rated
Movie Trailers


This demo has 3 samples of Movie Trailers. I play the role of an awkward middle aged man, a teenager who get stuck with his grandma for a surprising summer vacation, and a tired baseball prodigy who wants more from life.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
from the guys who brought you the Geneva flame and the beauty and all of us comes a love story about a dude and a beautiful, intelligent woman who might be his long lost cousin. Wait, what parked is coming to theaters this july, this is a movie about me. Did you think I was gonna feel happy about being forced to spend my summer in the suburbs of New Jersey with an 88.5 year old woman? Well all that changed when I learned about something that could alter the course of my summer. The only problem is getting there 88.5 miles just in time for summer. An edifice pitch in baseball is a very low speed junk pitch. The delivery from the pitcher has a slow velocity and usually catches the hitter off guard. The office is one of the rarest pitches thrown. Everyone is moving so fast these days, wanting me to pitch as fast as possible. I just want to change things up and catch everyone off guard. I think I've known this for a little while now, but now it's crystal clear to me. I'm the office pitch