Radio&TV commercials - British accent

Profile photo for Olex Smith
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


An introduction into TV or radio commercial copywriting with a British accent.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
how exciting that you're venturing into writing a radio or television commercial. Writing for broadcast media is significantly different from writing a print or digital ad, but the first time you're adding action to your words and bringing them to life. Every second is precious in broadcast, though, so learn how to make the most off your time by using the correct For Mertz, you might think that essential part of a radio or television script is the dialogue. And, of course, that's the end result the public sees or hears. For them, it is essential part. But when you are in the writing face and later in production, it is very important to rely the name off the spot. That's the advertising lingo for the commercial and its length. There are probably several different sports in the campaign, or you're arriving several to choose from. Every sport is given a clever title toe. Identify it like puppy faces or Granny Ghost tech, so let your imagination go wild