Animation demo

Profile photo for paul ferancik
Not Yet Rated


A range of cartoon, comedic, and somewhat serious voices.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Eastern European (General) North American (Canadian-General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
sucks to be you for it. Looks like I'm steamrolling my way to the vintage. I love it when I With what? Well, gluey. I personally blamed the schools. So Maney toxic influences. Are you going to eat that dead ferret? Oh, yes. That's just welcome. Back to hard core the show where 10 people enter. But only one lives to spend a $1,000,000 it seems much either bear has his hands full carrying a bag of flesh eating piranha. Stay! Well, that's one less problem to solve. Now where is that sick, twisted old dirt bag? I need to kill him and get out of this madness. You looking for me, Big lava? This place is not madness. This place is sad that t five slaughtered better men than you have no fear with my mystical elvish power. Your whisk us away to do kids head flew off Computer, get us out of here! I'm sorry, sir, I can't activate the teleporter unless you enter your 16 digit password. This is literally like the worst vacation ever. I'm going home