Games compilation



A compilation of characters I have played + some impersonations at the end!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


African (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
There is a story where bravery challenges, the Laws of Nature, men feed on effort and pride. The court of the summit is stroke, the sharp cold wind. Even when it's upwind thrust you to go on. People say a lot of things about me these days, they say the Salton Sea is dead but I'm not. They say I'm poisonous but I'm not. They say I'm an accident but I'm not see this. It's my story. The real story ignore the blandishments of these fools. Your vessel needs attention. If your craft requires refurbishment, let us find a price customer of distinction. A delight to assist you On the African continent. There are more than 100 indigenous peoples, roughly estimated at 50 million people. They are hunter gatherers and pastoralists with strong traditional cultures and they are closely connected to their land. Hi, I'm Barack Obama. I used to be president and I have fallen on hard times, Michelle. So as a result, I will be happy to work in a video game. And in fact, I would work for food