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Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
on the go need to refuel. Grab a volt energy drink. It'll give you the boost you need. Crush the competition, drive the ball and win the race with vault. Ladies and gentlemen, brace yourselves. You're about to be swept away into a world of high performance and luxury that will change your idea of an SUV forever. Feel the power of the Sun Apollo from along Motors Byron Duncan's attack dogs have been out there for weeks, making calls, sending postcards and filling the airwaves with accusations about his political opponent that just aren't true. If he's willing to lie to win the office, do you think he'll stop once he's governor? No one took my writing seriously. My friends couldn't understand why I prefer to stay at home alone and right rather than go out. So I signed up for the courses at the writers exchange. Okay, that was one stroke for the Miss swing to in the sand trap. And, well, we'll ignore the whole throwing your clubs in the lake episode and say three strokes for your loss ball in the Woods Arts. And it's is a community of galleries, studios and restaurants all gathered in one place to share their products. Meet your friends for lunch after an art class, or come shop in over 50 unique galleries. Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that occurs in one out of 68 Children. As the prevalence of autism increases, it is even more important to know the red flags of autism so that early identification can occur. When I had my accident, I didn't know what to Dio. I needed help, but I didn't know where to start. That's what a friend told me to call Roland and Galley. Call Roland and Galley personal injury lawyers. They're here when you need them. Hi, I'm Philip Rodgers. Thanks for listening.