Character Reel



Showcasing some of the voices I can do and my acting talent

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Australian British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
brothers and sisters. The day of Judgement prophecies by the ancient sage has come in the name of Laughlin. I shall cleanse the city of filth and corruption with No. I know you don't want to leave me here. But there's nothing either of us can do with my legs Broken love is almost here. Save yourself now. Looks like this is it for me? Stay down, kid. They're watching us right now. Sizing us up. They are cannibals closing in for their next meal. Time for the appetiser Commander. The Martian invasion has begun to rings. A four and be six already breached their overwhelming our fleet. I zoned out after you said Commander. Here's I look good in the uniform. Cheers to us. For the record, I don't hold a grudge against you for cheating on me. In fact, I crafted you a present to show my sincerity. Open it up! A cupcake! Oh, I love it! When the head flies off, I humbly request you open this door at once, You dastardly beast! Come out and face me! If it is a fight, you see maggot, ask and you shall receive. May it be written And that this day you challenge the God of death and