Commercials (2019 SOVAS Awards Winner) - Sarcastic, Relaxed, Cool, Confident, Warm, Empathetic, Sincere, Approachable

Radio Ad


Rex Anderson's Commercial demo. Produced 2019 by J Michael Collins. Nominated for the 2019 SOVAS Voice Arts Awards!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Netflix and chill. Yeah, my Netflix and chill with a £200 Great Dane who smells like a barn. Dude, get off the couch sophistication with a splash of tonic. Bombay Sapphire. Indulge yourself. You already love Disney's amazing theme parks, right? And you can't get enough of Marvel's lineup of superheroes. Want to fight alongside Wolverine, Black Panther and Captain Marvel. Go to Disney dot com slash marvel today and check out how Disney is bringing your favorite Marvel characters to life because she needs to walk again because his body isn't sure about the transplant because together they made a new story because of all of them. Wear no of artists here for humanity. Target. We want you to come as you are. Be comfortable. Okay, maybe not bathrobe comfortable. That's for the customer. And I'll four. Please. Do you just try not to wind up on somebody's block? Okay. Mallomars Delicious chocolate cookie and marshmallow treats because the gym right? You see these? These are my deadlines, and this is my calendar. Those those are my kids need to be picked up at 5 30 sharp and dropped at soccer practice at 5 45 sharp Where do I go when I'm hungry? Somewhere? I could grab a healthy bite in 15 minutes or less. I go to Panera Bread because they have what I need now.