Video Game/Podcast Characters - Grizzled, Impish, Sarcastic



Detective Gordon, Batman: The Long Halloween
Riftshard Gladiator, Heroes of Newerth
BIZNIZCORP's Disclaimer, Chronoshred: The Adventures of Stardust Lazerdong
Chupacabra, Heroes of Newerth
Doom Cock, Meanwhile at the Skull Base
Winter, The Amazing Eternals
Commander Rortan, Alpha Squadron

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
if you're asking me. Did the good guys win? Yes. The good guys want Batman, but I won't know if it was worth it for a very long time. Breaks herself. I will not die quietly. Wow. My first victory. I found a shard. Heavy armor weapon drop Confirmed. Spotting jumpstarted Ablett of plating is ready. Contact Upgrade Installed Business Corp is now entitled to 110% of your loyalty over the remainder of your life on this or any other planet. Business Corp reserves the right to terminate this contract at any point for any time. Termination of this contract will result in immediate execution of the contract holder. You sign off this, you idiot. We must liberate our compatriots and find some way to avert this silly feculent future. Sure, I like the magic switchblades and The Highness of the Shorts has made me wistful for the eighties. But that is where I draw the line. Now, do we have any suggestions on how to properly infiltrate the stronghold of the enigmatic Whatever this guy's name is? Silence. We're here to cripple enemy titanium production. Without this, or the Iranians will be unable to power their battle in this sector.