Video Games - Apocalyptic Rebel Leader, Chemical Warrior, Toxic Mutant

Profile photo for Ridge Grom
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Voice sample of character based on chemical exposure utilizing vocal prosthetics. Portrayed as a rebel leader on the brink of war.
Rough Idea: Apocalypse survivors of remaining humans left behind as \"elitist\" humans left for Mars, but are returning to reclaim Earth years later.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
If it were up to them, they would deny our very right to breathe our very right to live. They left us here to die. They left us to breathe poison. It was by our strength, our ingenuity that despite all of that, we survived and we built something and now they want to come and take it away and claim it for themselves. Should we allow them to or should it be our responsibility to defend what we have made the home? We have created you talk of peace as if we are to simply ignore the past. Where was the option for peace before all of this started? Where was the so-called peace? When we asked for one simple thing to be left alive to be lit to live. When all of this started, you treated us like animals. But now when we have the upper hand, you want to talk peace, I will promise only one thing as far as peace goes, there will be none until every last one of you understands what we go through the pain we have endured. You will know what it's like to breathe poison to have your very lungs filled. With toxins, then there will be peace, then we'll talk if you even still have life within you.