Range Rover Promo - Authoritative, Confident, Successful

Video Narration


Online internet promotion for Range Rover. Confident, Successful, Real, Optimistic

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland) North American (US Western)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
tan. Always 10 10 hours is the time window to reach the summit. At this height, there is no margin for error. Nine nine months of grueling preparation, without compromises and without excuses for something known man can be prepared for 88 weeks above 15,000 feet in a freezing cold tent. Get up, feet climb, sleep. You check your watch, but time stands still. 77 hours of relentless struggle with the last few 100 feet to the top six. Six of us reached the summit. 14. Headset out a bizarre type of high altitude equation. Five. Five times colder than the coldest day I can remember up there. Even good weather is bad for four dangerous traverse is to the sun. I never thought of turning back 33 words from my wife. Go succeed and come home to. There are two of us climbing, but I am a long one. One moment and the whole world is at your feet. 10. I count back from 10 and I am all in the comfort zone isn't my place. It shouldn't be yours either. Fortune favors the brave. Those who dare to venture beyond and touch the heavens of the impossible