Rosie Rella- Character Demo

Profile photo for Rosie Rella
Not Yet Rated


Recorded at Hyperbolic Audio, NYC

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I'm not leaving you until we can get help. Please just try to stay with me. Okay? Don't give up. Only a complete new would go into the forest without a sword and shield. Alright, I'm gonna need three bludgeons, two axes and a sword and shield for the complete amateur that's with me and make it snappy. Hi, I'm pixie your guide to the enchanted forest. You can just sit comfortably in your boat as I take you on a tour. Hey, you're going awfully fast. Oh no, that's a waterfall, Lloyd. You'll meet someone nice someday. Like I always say there are plenty of berries in the forest, but you'll find the right one, the one that won't make you sick. Ah I wouldn't go beyond the castle gates if I were you, but if you are, could you get me a cup of coffee? Look, I got turned into a lizard, I got bitten blaze zombie sandwich and now I have lettuce growing out of my arm, just do something. Okay. I didn't mean to do anything, you know, I'm pretty content here with my mom. Oh my kidding. My whole existence is miserable