Gaming and Animation Demo Reel 2019

Profile photo for Rowan Douglas
Not Yet Rated


A demo reel featuring a range of 14 sample characters for use in videogame and animation. This reel showcases a variety of UK and US accents and a wide range of characters.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) Welsh


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
caves like caves. Wait, No giant creepy spiders and things live in caves. What am I thinking off then? Oh, ruins. I won't lie to you crew. This mission isn't gonna be easy. Our enemy knows we're coming, but we'll be ready for them too. The fate of a whole galaxy is a state. We will stop sarin, no matter what the cost. I was formed a lift. A curse. Teo, kill a metal demon. It was her wish. But she made me for I'll do it. Trying can carry a knife. Use a gun. But I'll tell you, you keep me here. I'll skin this fat old Coutant serving for dinner. I don't want no pity. Just treat me equal. And no, nobody's taken nothing from me ever again. Jonah, I'm here. Just a little stuck. A rock pinned my leg and I don't want to attract any attention. I won't be No Promise you what? Well, well, what's the point of words, you know? But others don't. I mean, who would just say them to pull it? The darkness does not bargain, does not reason. It is as rock. And now it has taken home the alliance where were they? When we beg for their l What? Our husbands and sons and brothers were slaughtered at Farrah More. Well, well, what have we here? Are you a vulture? I wonder a scavenger poking among the bones of a corpse long since cleaned. Amelia intruder come to these wilds of mine in search of easy prey. You know exactly why I'm here. Time to start talking. They tell me you're good at it. What you lack in height you make up for in tails. If you know where the champion is, you must tell me. No. A sloth demon. One think active thoughts like runnin on jumpin on such I've watched your progress for some time. Where do they go? I wondered here, if your mother could see you, I think she'd be proud of you. But don't you think it's time you hung it up? You're not getting any younger is such a friendly gesture? Stick in your and in someone else's de lish or never thought familiar shape, huh?