Telephony Demo - Venmo, Answering Service, Phone On-Hold, Voicemail

Profile photo for Sam Hsu
Not Yet Rated


A recorded or automated phone message can set the tone for customer experiences with your brand. Check out this demo for an approachable, efficient, and professional feel that will set your clients at ease.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Thanks for calling Venmo for faster service. You can chat with us in the Venmo app or visit our help center at help dot Venmo dot com where you'll find help to frequently asked questions. Thank you for your patience. Someone will be with you in just a moment. Are you a registered Venmo user press one. If you're not a registered Venmo user, please press two. If you're a merchant, press three. If you're a bank, credit card network or an issuer, press four. Okay, you're a registered user, is that right? Great. Let me get you someone who can help simply remain on the line to hold with music or press the star key to wait in silence. Your estimated wait time is one minute. Thanks.