Sam Hall - Medical Narration


Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - South East - Oxford, Sussex) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
clinical practise guidelines. Optimising anaemia treatment along with a writ three point in deficiency. Absolute and functional iron deficiency. A major causes of anaemia in patients with non dialysis chronic kidney disease. For these patients, optimising iron levels is an important first step in the anaemia treatment. 2012 Que digo Clinical practise guideline for anaemia in CKD according to Katie Go. 2012 Guidelines for adult CKD patients with anaemia not on iron or therapy. We suggest a trial of Ivy, Iron or in patients with N. D. C. K D. Alternatively, a 123 month trial of or ally in therapy if an increase in haemoglobin concentration without starting treatment is desired and transfer in saturation is less than or equal to 30% and ferreting is less than or equal to 500 nanograms per mil a litre. 2015. Nice guidelines for managing anaemia in CKD. According to Nice 2015. Guideline for patients with N. D. C. K D. That's our iron deficient and receive therapy. When offering ivy iron therapy to people not receiving hemodialysis, consider high dose low frequency I v. I. N is the treatment of choice when trying to achieve Iron Ripley Shin and to treat iron deficiency. Most patients will need five hundreds of 1000 milligrammes of iron for adults in a single or divided dose, depending on the preparation discussing guidelines. Both guidelines suggest that in N. D. C k d, it is important to replete iron stores first before considering ESA, try iron supplementation to ensure there are sufficient iron stores for red blood cell production. Before starting treatment. Replenish iron stores, since your patients will need lower doses of essays or no say at all. Impatience receiving treatment. Optimise iron supply to prevent iron deficiency from developing. In other words, consider iron not only with but also before treatment.