Parody: Comedy; Mock PSA / Podcast / Rockblocked



A sober, somber, public service announcement that is autobiographical for anyone with a radio. I wrote, voiced, and produced this spot as podcast content. Parody is always in my wheelhouse, and I love developing these little humorous nuggets.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
It can happen to any of us. You're driving along the highway, traffic is light and you settle in for your commute. Then your favorite classic rock anthem comes on the radio. You smile crank the volume and just as the sweet riff kicks in hard. Oh, what the every year over 40 million Americans are rock blocked by severe weather alerts. That was Paradise City man. These incidents are rarely reported due to the victim's resulting apoplexy. Why would you do that? You can't get it right before slash comes in rock blocking can also cause acute clenching of every sphincter in the human body which can lead to heart attack, stroke or spilled macchiato. The time has come to take a stand and fight back against these wanton acts of earth's atmosphere. Freaking tornadoes can suck it if you or someone you love has suffered physical injury or mental anguish from being rock blocked by the national weather service, you may be entitled to compensation. Don't wait. Call 555.