

A full range of animation characters and accents to showcase my versatile voice and my ability to create animation characters.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
can't be serious. How can you be out of pancakes? It says, Oh, you can't eat. Uh oh. Look at you. Don't you look nice. Sorry. Did I say nice? I meant ridiculous. Now get out. I don't want to go in There. You go first. This is gonna be bad. I can feel it in my snout. Good. Oh, I kind of like the cave. The dark, the cool. It's nice in here. Uh, nothing's happening. I don't think the spell worked and I thought I was supposed to be tied. Yeah. Oh, look, here goes another one. Why do I never seem to catch a break? I guess I better get moving. Let me just This superhero stuff really is riveting. If you think you're getting in here, you've got another thing coming. And I might be insane and old and insane, but I'm not scared of you. You've got to try the pastrami sandwich. Oh, my God. It's delicious. What do you mean allergic? Well, more for me. Now, look, I know you did what you thought was best, and I know you've worked on, but unfortunately, I'm gonna have to eat you. Carl gets a big pot on the boil. Would you