Selection of commercial voices 2020

Profile photo for Pete Beaumont
Acheivement Badges Top Talent
Video Narration


Highlighting the variety of commercial styles, accents and delivery for all commercial projects.
Deep, dramatic, friendly, smooth, northern, comical, passionate.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Yorkshire & Humber) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
together way have made these spaces a place that we call home, even through difficult times are neat, remain constant. The impact of covert 19 alongside the recession will accelerate the long term trends we've seen in food and drink. How far would you go for love if the one you loved fell ill? Would you build a company that would outlive the both of you in search of a cure? Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to a quella Asia's most prestigious beach and lakeside resident. If you're in debt, a phone call could be your worst nightmare. People chasing you for payment, threatening legal action or shouting final demands. Uh, the wonders of nature. Truly, animals are the most amazing creatures on this planet, especially Disney animals. It's never been more important to take care of your heart from the comfort of your own home. The common irregular heartbeat. Atrial fib. Relation increases risk of stroke by 500%. This is home farm, Somerset. The heart of everything we do today. Hi. Welfare, Free range meet freshly caught sustainable fish. Quick. We missed your laughter, your joy, the precious memories. We called together with our eyes on the wonders of the Aegean Sea and our souls connected with disease X is the name given by the W H O to any unknown pathogen carried by animals that could cause a pandemic. It has been added to their short, not so long ago way set out to redefine how technology empowered enterprise will reshape the landscape of storage. And if I a status quo Hello, I'm Cedric and I have your beverages. Please enter the pin on the printed ticket. Oh, no triable pin again. You're a legend. Collect your beverages, then pressed. Done when?