English, Sports, Motivational, Emotional

Profile photo for Ellington Williams
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


The attached sample was used in a recruiting video for the USC Gamecocks football team. My contributions in this sample are simply the voice over recording you hear throughout. I recorded the audio using my studio mic.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
You are here at this moment for a reason. So we are at the start of something special. An opportunity unlike any other, our culture things we embody as a program will stand the test of time and the path we are on will go down as one of the greatest stories ever told. You are here at this moment Because you weren't made to be average. You weren't raised to be one of many. You are here at this month Because you were built for this story. The story of a team forged by love. A coaches who are more like family of a place with unrivaled passion. This will take courage and this will take heart. But for everything it takes, it will give so much more. It will teach you. It will guide you. It will give you something. You can hold high. Something you can be proud of. It will give you the best version of yourself. Mhm It will reveal the man you were born to become mm hmm. Years from now. You'll come back to this place with your family massage. You'll see the trophies, the records and you'll know that you help. Yeah. Your Children will look at you with pride in their eyes knowing that you didn't stand on the shoulders of giants. You are the giant. I don't know your biggest fear. I want to know your biggest joy. I don't know the best day of your life. I want to know what you want. We understand what it means to be together. To live together. To play together, strive together to struggle together And they better get ready for it. Years from now, you'll come back to a place you'll never forget because this place will never forget you. Yeah, you are here at this moment because you are built for this story. No. Welcome home.