Professional Actress, accents, trained in opera

Profile photo for Stef Dawson
Not Yet Rated


Stef Dawson Animation/ Video Game Demo

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


Australian British (General) Irish (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
it started about eight hours ago. And if the Gobi desert surface winds at 20 knots, then the pressure dropped. The speed started picking up. It could hit any time in the next 12 to 24 hours. And as cool as that would be to watch, we gotta get out of here. And you thought I couldn't keep up with, I can ride like the wind and out front all you boys. I may be small, but I'll kick all your arses, eat my dust. My name is angel and I have this little problem. It's just, I'm a little bit possessed, modest ravi to me up. See what I mean? You really want to know what it was like. We'd walk through towns, we just blow to shreds and see Children. I'd hold a small scared child in my arms and yeah, that's all ********. It's all wrong. You didn't see you. That's what it was like. I am an invisible gatekeeper using wanting me to data, to make decisions. I am an algorithm. I am a black box. You must now be eliminated To celebrate my 9/100 follower on Tiktok. Hashtag blessed. I'm sharing my new favorite mascara and help them daniel. You're disgusting. You totally run my Tiktok mom. Oh my God! Delete! Delete! Delete. I'm not Cindy ******* rela. I don't do windows. I don't take orders. And if that's a problem. Good luck finding a housekeeper. Who knows how to use a machete. So do you want me to do this or what? Yeah, you do. Do not let your heart be troubled. Do not be afraid you have within you, all the power to save the one you love. Oh, wow. Look at all those stars. You're the nicest kangaroo I've ever met. Thanks for giving me a ride in your pouch.