Animation Character Demo_child, teen, elderly, Gen Z, tough, boy voice



When I developed this demo, I imagined the kinds of characters I want to play. A vulnerable daughter of a villain, a tough and capable fighter pilot, an overexcited NY city girl, a laviscious but wise tree woman, and an exasperated little kid. I wrote the scripts, and David Rosenthal directed.

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Vocal Characteristics




British (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
No I can talk about her. I get it. She was the super famous sorceress and all but she wasn't really that nice you know like she's a super villain. I know but I guess I did expect more because she was my mom. I know I know be present in the moment but what does that even mean Luca this moment See it's already gone and this one isn't doing me much good either. I think I'm gonna take a break from all these moments and just oh now I get it here take the keys dr *******. Those are rushed. You know what's in these boxes jewels baby are they valuable? You got your straight a report card. They are and we sh it are you bleeding? But I don't want to go outside mom. You always make me put on sunscreen and it feels like alien tongue goo. Besides haven't you heard of climate change? More toxic than a fart hug out there. So sunscreen sunscreen. You seek wisdom don't you all? Why should I give you my time? Besides the fact that you're quite the handsome one. Fine. What these wise trees would tell you had the tongues is that to reach the sky? You must first dig deep. Damn it. It's lighting up. We gotta get the **** out of here. All crew members strap in, we're coming under fire ship. This is not good. Come on baby. We didn't fly all over the galaxy just to die in the stratosphere of our own planet