

Utilizing my unique talents for creating voices, I put together a portfolio of select ones with my instructor. These were all incredibly fun to do.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
step right up folks and feast your eyes on this site of wonder and amazement. Don't turn on a kid, kid. I'm working here. This is the happiest day of my life, A whole 3.5 minutes with my newest and bestest buddy in the whole wide world. What was your name again? Oh no. Dr flame o it is. I who should be thanking you after all? You've just made my plans infinitely more entertaining. Less are brought run. Remember? Always make sure the bloods are nice and sparkly for a master. Uh, there's no time to argue those people in there are depending on me now. Stay put. I'll be back as soon as I can. Well, let's run down the checklist again. Shall we try turning it off and back on again? Check to make sure it's plugged in. Okay? Are you sure it's even your laptop? I am perfectly fine with staying at home. Who needs things like freshest sunshine and friends. Not me now. Where did I put the cheese whiz, Nice work guys, you're almost there and just imagine how proud of yourselves you'll be once you're done now keep digging