Mize Medical: Honest Authentic Patient Smart Engaging Sincere Humble



A sampling of my medical documentary, elearning and educational narration. Background in the medical field - I deftly handle the language and Conversational - Genuine - Articulate - Engaging - Sincere - Confident - Professional & Charismatic exercise and fitness, anemia, surgery, medicine, procedure

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
immune globulin. Subcutaneous human hip is a 16.5% immune globulin solution for subcutaneous infusion indicated for treatment of primary hume oral immuno deficiency in adults and pediatric patients two years of age and older, an elderly female patient is admitted with a massive upper G. I bleed and is pale and hypertensive. On admission. She was technique arctic and Ortho static. If this patient does not have any additional comorbidities that have a higher risk adjusted severity than acute blood loss anemia, acute blood loss anemia increases the relative weight value of this patient by 1.6 times seven Ko is a once daily pill for adults who didn't respond to previous treatments. Your doctor should check for infections and do blood tests serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma, lung skin and other cancers, serious heart related events and blood clots can happen. People 50 and older with heart disease, risk factors have an increased risk of serious heart related events or death. With JAK inhibitors. Research shows the highest link to another class of brain chemicals Indo cannabinoids, the same chemical mimicked by cannabis areas of the brain that regulate the stress response, including the amygdala and prefrontal cortex are rich in receptors. Endocannabinoid also increase dopamine in the brain's reward system, which further fuels feelings of optimism. Compared to their inactive peers. Active older adults have reward systems that more closely resemble those who are decades younger disease was due usually to alterations in the composition of the humors, they were to be evacuated. Attenuated cooled, heated purged or strengthened this hue. Moral doctrine prevailed throughout the middle ages. Indeed, echoes of it are still to be heard in popular conversations on the nature of disease. The most important mineral medicines were introduced by the arabians, particularly mercury, antimony, iron, etcetera.