Curiosity Lab Innovation Center

Profile photo for Steven Markham
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Demo of an advertisement excerpt for The Curiosity Lab Innovation Center in Peachtree Corners, GA. Reading exhibits ability to portray excitement about content, and read more complex technical material.

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in 2019, the city of peach Street corners launched a daring new plan to transform the historic Atlanta technology park into the silicon orchard. The new home for all things in and around smart city and smart mobility technology. Since then, great partners like Georgia tech T Mobile, Cisco bosch, hard gray Georgia power ups and many, many more have joined in creating the most unique innovation center in North America at the Curiosity Lab, part think tank, part incubator, all parts Creative. The Innovation center is the nucleus, the home base, the command center of the campus, which spans 500 plus acres and features a three mile autonomous vehicle test track that seamlessly integrates and interacts in real time with the complex world around it. Inside the innovation center, you will find teams from tech companies across north America, europe asia and the Middle East working side by side operating testing and launching tomorrow's technology today. You can feel the creative energy here a block away is where Cisco was founded. The color Tv was invented on this campus. The modem as well. There is a legacy of excellence that continues today and a commitment to a better, safer, smarter future that is attracting teams from around the world