Steve Van Beckum - Business Traditional

Video Narration


The voice for the pillars of business and industry

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Our customers are demanding more variety than ever. This market trend strains capacity in our distribution centers. In 1975, Norbert's brother in law was looking for a new way to pull a car without damaging the bumper Every day in every city. Fleets based critical challenges with reducing operating costs. They're out there working day and night to enter your network and take what's yours. The international brotherhood of electrical workers was born in 1891. What is service? It is the action of helping working in the oil field has never been an easy job, and lately it's been even tougher. Service frequency options range from every day to every other week. But cutting costs is only half the battle. Only the companies that reduce costs and drive growth by investing in capabilities, activities and opportunities will win over time.