Audiobook Read, American English



Debut book from a new author on how to succeed in sales.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
sales gurus, multimillionaires, overnight success stories, million dollar sales techniques get rich quick methods. These are the types of high net worth individuals and topics you're used to seeing in sales books. Well, not this book. Not yet anyways. This might not be the opening line you were expecting, but if I'm being honest, I am no different than you career wise. I have not built my capital to a point where I have financial freedom. Nor am I on the backside of my career where I feel I have learned all I need to know. I am still waking up every morning continuously working towards my personal and professional goals, struggling and succeeding in the business world within the depths of the sales profession. I remind myself on a daily basis that sales is a constantly evolving career that needs to be practiced and honed on an infinite loop.