Animation Reel

Profile photo for Tommy Hallal
Not Yet Rated


Five different samples featuring my deep, confident and warm voice.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Don't take me little Jimmy instead think today. Save the day. Sponsor sugar crusted mini muffin bombs. Now with double the icing a nutritious part of any balanced breakfast. Excuse me, Mr American hero. It looks like there's an old lady being wrapped over there. Hey, who is this clown? It's security to get this guy out of here. My complexion, we got to do another take Janet. Where's that lotion that makes my pores microscopic. Another person is about to be killed before my eyes. You can't always be the one who needs protection. You have to be useful here, huh? Because I'm weak. He doesn't acknowledge me as a threat. So if I make an unpredictable move, I can save her. I have no choice. I have to use Hino Kami Kura. I'm just standing on the side. She's about around the corner and dude, you just run my punch line, bro. Oh dear guys. Look at this bogus chart of a dollar. It looks like 100. You. My limited edition is dollar G. Oh, you're gonna pay my mom. Got me this shirt. That's good. You've a straw, an arm I can see. But every bandit from here to zero. Dale would have seen that move coming. Half of the attack is in how you begin. You must be as still and as silent as a statue at first and then you were up. So like a fireball. Really? You're gonna put a hole in me, honey. Trust me, it is a messy business. Also, you're not gonna be able to get the blood out of this white cashmere carpet. Why don't we just enjoy our beverages? Have a nice, lovely evening and I'll be on my merry way in no time.