Jax Tharp Demo Reel

Profile photo for Jax Tharp
Not Yet Rated


From a villain assured of his victory to a knight seeking allies and any number of personalities in between here are just some of the voices I would happily lend to your projects.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you best get your hands off me, gold son. What? You not just because you came round here with your picking, Dax, any gold you found was yours. Well, that don't really learn really fast. Any gold in this here mountain is mine. Yes, sir. Of course, sir. I got your wife's anniversary cake right here with our name and fancy icing on top, just like you asked. 00 Well, at least the bottom of the take is still Good God, this traffic. Let's go get a move on. What Would you look at this guy? Hey, buddy, What the **** is your problem? It's not Elaine. Oh, yeah? You think you're really tough getting out of your car? Bring it on. Not go. Well, Mr Lawyer, what would you do? Charge me with assault? Ah, charge away. I welcome it for it is you who will be found guilty. Heeded my warning. The police, the courts, the judges, they all do my bidding off course that cowers. You shouldn't be surprised. Their order may as well be known as the Knights of the Silver Spoon, full of pamper heirs who only joined because their families wanted to secure prestige and further protect their well. Let's go. Most of them will never see a real battle in their lives.